HYDRA: Kernel of a Microprocessor System
- C.mmp: Computer.multi-mini-processor
- up to 16 PDP-11 processor
- up to 32 MB shared memory
Main Point
- Capability-based operating system nucleus
- High-level, interesting design principles?
- Multiprocessor: 合理的时间分配,但却可以灵活调调度策略
- Separation of mechanism and policy
- protection is a mechanism (what is to be protected)
- security is a policy (against what)
- Rejection of strict hierarchical layering (拒绝了THE提出的层级结构)
- limit flexibility
- Good for control, not good for resources
- Protection
- 在HYDRA里,任何实体(entity/object)都会受到kernel的保护,既包括常规读写,也包括任意软件层面的保护
- Capability is the most important in the DYDRA design
- Reliability
- 什么功能应该在OS里?答:(1)抽象硬件(2)管理资源
- What's the difference between Hydra's procedure from what we know?
- The protection is procedure-based
- Everything is an object.
- unique name: 64 bits
- Type
- Data
- Capability
Three object types
- Consists of:
- Reference to an object
- A collection of “access right” to that object
- Include information about operations may be performed by the referenced objects
- Manipulate only by the kernel
1) Procedure
Procedure is an static entity
- = code + operations + data + capability (also an object)
- = code + data + protection facilities(list of references = capabilities = actions to other objects)
- = instructions + environment
- Capability include
- 2 main types of rights: kernel rights(read, write, exe) and auxiliary rights(user defined)
- Capabilities themselves are manipulated only by the kernel
- caller independent cap: can be specified when procedure is created
- caller dependent cap: can only be characterized in the procedure object, as param are unknown until execution time
- "procedure may contain a template in addition to the caller independent capability"
- define type and capability signatures
- Characterize the actual parameters expected by the procedure(参数列表?)
- 在process被called的时候,parameter template会被从caller的参数衍生(derive)出来的capacity填满。
- Callee’s right contains:
- Caller’s right + template ‘s right
- Expansion of rights
- 可以理解为参数列表?通过caller传给参数可以衍生(derive)出权限。Derivation过程会执行template所定义的权限检查。Callee拥有caller的权限+template指明的权限(这就是right augment / expansion of rights) , callee might have greater freedom to operate on an object , but the caller can in no way obtain the freedom for himself
"This potential expansion of rights across environment domains is a key factor in achieving the flexibility goals of the kernel and in allowing us to reject enforced hier structures without introducing chaos."(P339)
Parameters: must match the type as well as the signature
- "check-rights" field used to match capabilites in dynamic parameters signature
- This is how we check for "delete" right on the file
- LNS for the procedure has a pointer to the parameter, but a right list defined by template
2) Local Name Space(LNS)
- What's it?
- Represents an "execution domain"
- LNS is the record of the execution environment of a procedure when that procedure is invoked (called).
- It is like a call stack. (It is a run-time concept).
- What does it include?
- capability part of LNS contains : list of object pointers (capabilities) that the current execution domain can access. Objects referenced by objects referenced in its LNS.
- Local variables, parameters, etc.
- Transitive closure of all capabilities (limited by "walk" rights)
CALL mechanism
- procedure wants to create a new procedure, create an LNS for its execution domain, transfer control
- capability part of the new procedure contains:
- caller-independent part
- parameter templates for capabilities which will be passed as actual parameters when the procedure is called
- check type: template contains a type attributes, check the type of the actual parameter
- check rights: template contains "special check rights field" will need to operate on. Rights contained in the actual parameter's capability must include the rights specified in the check-rights field of the template
- New capability contains references the object passed by the caller, contains the "regular right fields" specified by the templates.
- (special check rights field: rights by caller, regular right fields: right the callee need to operate)
Return Mechanism
- return to the current procedure's caller
Major actions of the CALL mechanism
- Code notify kernel that is wishes to call
- Kernel examines the parameter capabilities (by caller)
- Kernel creates a new LNS superseded caller’s old LNS
- Code related with callee receives control from kernel and begins executing
- Complete, return control to caller
- Kernel deletes callee’s LNS, restore the LNS for the caller
3) process
- the smallest entity which can be independently scheduled for execution(我觉得更像thread)
- A stack of LNS’s which represents the cumulative state of a single sequential task 一个process就是一组(a stack of)执行这一个任务序列的LNS(感觉其实就是进程的概念,一组调用
- interprocess communication
- message buffering
- semaphore operation
- shared memory
Right Amplification
- Called procedure may have more rights than caller. however, caller cannot use those rights after returning from the procedure.
- OS have this today in a monolithic form
- invoke a system call, take on privileges of kernel
Protection mechanism
- protection is a mechanism (protect what) and security is a policy ( against what)
- discard the notion of “ownership” -> it’s a security policy
- rejection of hierarchical structure -> avoid the “most privileged” layer gain all power
- Hydra provides a protection mechanism for the application of operations (procedure) to instances of resources (objects)
- candidates for protection: objects (abstract notion of an arbitrary resource)
- Have a unique name
- May contain capabilities referencing other objects ( a significant difference from other capability based systems, satisfying the flexibility goal)
- procedure: abstraction of an operation
- capability: reference to an object = pointer + derivation of the CALL mechanism
- Key to protection mechanism
- Directly manipulated only by the kernel
- Include information about operations may be performed by the referenced objects
- Program with capabilities?
- Does Linux or Windows have capabilities?
- open file -- capabilities check
- Why do you think we don't have capability sytem today? Windows has a very rich ACL model for files, much more than UNIX. What's your take on this?
- Flexibility vs. Easy-to-use
- Hydra gives large flexibility to user, but it makes programming not easy-to-use.
- Flexibility vs. Easy-to-use
- Capability-based protection mechanism
- An example of "nucleus" system (primitives for building OS subsystems on top, microkernel, RC4000)